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Week in My Shoes: A Day in the Life of Craig Purves

Craig and his jobs

Ever wondered what a week in someone else’s shoes feels like? Well, here’s your chance to step into the world of Craig Purves – content creator, Education Ambassador for K18, and a grey hair expert.

Social: @craigsworldofhair

Location: London

Craig’s Piece of Advice: "Learn something new every day; knowledge is powerful, and it doesn’t have to be hair related."


Typically, Monday is a home day, creating content and putting the finishing touches to a YouTube edit that I’ll upload to my channel, which is filled with hundreds of hair education videos. If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d have the career I’ve always dreamed of since the age of 15, I’m not sure I would have believed you.

Don’t get me wrong, I crammed a lot into my early days, working for some of the most prestigious London salons, becoming self-employed in ‘90s Soho, and opening my own self-funded salon by the age of 29. But things really took off when I embraced the digital space as a hair professional.

This move led me to become an Education Ambassador for K18 and to share my Redken knowledge at the L’Oréal Academy. All the time I spent building my social media platforms has made my day-to-day very different from what it used to be.

Craig smiling


Like many hairdressers, I’ve always had a deep love for fashion. This passion started when I was 12 and first picked up THE FACE magazine — it was mind-blowing! That, along with having a very glamorous mother, is what sparked my desire to become a hairdresser.

Even now, I make sure to set aside time each week to do something related to art or culture on my own. This week, I took in the incredible retrospective of THE FACE at the National Portrait Gallery. It featured Nick Kamen (pictured below), the male model of the decade. Yes, I had magazine tear sheets of him all over my bedroom walls back in the day!

Stylish Craig


Four days a week, you’ll find me in the salon. I still love it as much as I did 37 years ago when I first became a Youth Training Scheme (YTS) apprentice. I generally see five clients a day, with about 75% of them having colour treatments, though I’m just as happy doing cuts.

After working as a session stylist during fashion week in my 20s, I still have a huge love for styling. I always try to bring that same passion and creativity to every client I see.


Once a month, I book half a day out with one of my fabulous ‘house models.’ This is how I built my digital career, and I can’t recommend doing it enough. It’s become a non-negotiable for me.

By taking these test shoot days, I get to try out new technique ideas that have been swimming around in my head, play with new products, and fill up my camera roll. For me, the best way to show your work is to find a model and get them on your Instagram grid!

Craig's hair styles


I was the ‘chubby gay kid’ at school and hated sport — I still do — but movement helped me to love my physical self, and exercise has become a very important part of my life; it’s a daily ritual.

I don’t have the space in my life for time-heavy hobbies, but I always find room for exercise! It’s something that keeps me grounded and energized for everything else in my week.

Craig' selfie


I’m back at the salon today, and while West End salon Saturdays aren’t quite what they used to be, there’s something special about a Saturday with clients. It’s totally unique, and I cherish the energy of the salon during these busy days.


For some reason, Sundays have become the best days for me to focus on filming as much content as I possibly can. I’ll get up at 8am, have breakfast, and start by moving furniture around my compact but bijou flat to transform it into a recording studio. By 10am, I’m generally midway through a YouTube video, and then it’s on to everything that goes with it, such as the thumbnail and short-form version to promote on my other platforms.

It’s about a full day’s work for one weekly video release. It’s a lot of work, but I wouldn’t change it for the world; every time I get a comment from a subscriber telling me they got a good result or a student who’s finally understood hair colour theory, I know I’m doing the right thing!

Colour Swatches

Visit The World of Craig to explore more about Craig’s work.